Meme whowho?
Jenny has tagged me for a meme (y'know, one of those round-robin type thingies in which you answer questions about yourself and then ask other folks to answer questions about themselves). I've mostly seen these in my e-mail in-box, but I understand they're also pretty common on blogsites (yeah, I don't get out much in cyberworld, it seems).
Ok here are the rules (which I am obligated, by meme law, to print first ;-):
The Rules:
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged. (yeah, I'm not sure I know 8 other bloggers, so.....not sure what to do about that. I also *really* don't mind if other people don't want to play along. Cause it's not like I won't take any opportunity to talk about myself ;-)
Ok, so, 8 random things about me....hmmm....first of all, what's considered "random"? Things most people don't know? Things that are surprising or startling (thus fitting into that place in a conversation when someone gives you too much information and everyone sits stunned for a couple of seconds until someone mutters ..."yeah, um, that")? Or by random are we figuring that they just not themed or ordered? (sure, trust an editor to turn a simple meme into a referrendum on the word "random" ;-).
Well, I'm not sure, so I'm going with the last definition. (I wish I had startling, surprising, perhaps even disconcerting things to tell you about me. Not so much. In fact, I got nothin')
1. I don't have a favorite color. Which is not to say that I don't like a lot of colors. In fact, I frequently like a lot of colors together! I would just feel bad playing favorites.
2. I can not roll my "r"s. Which, when I was trying to learn Spanish in high school amounts to a speech impediment. I know---it hardly qualifies as the bane of my existence, but, because of my love of words and language and communication, AND because I generally think of myself as pretty well-spoken, I find this unaccountably annoying. I will never be able to discuss perros (dogs) with Antonio Banderas without sounding stupidly American. (yeah, that's somewhat tempered by the fact that I've since forgotten the tiny bit of Spanish I once learned.)
3. I cannot bring myself to watch the movie, The Exorcist. Can't do it. I read the book when I was about 12 (which is when it first came out) and kept imagining that my bed was shaking and I was about to be possessed and scared the livin' crap out of myself. And so I've never been able to sit through the movie. Even now, I have to change the channel quickly if a commercial for it comes on TV. I don't even like seeing the occasional parody of it on Saturday Night Live. And I like horror movies! Go figure.
4. Conversely, I find zombie movies unaccountably amusing and even sometimes endearing. Even when they're not supposed to be. (Dancing zombies are a special favorite.) Again, go figure.
5. I like raw carrots much better than cooked carrots and I hate brussel sprouts in every configuration. (hey, the rules said "random")
6. One of my grandmothers was adopted, so I'm 3/4s Irish and 1/4 who knows ;-). (Actually, she was probably Italian-American, since she was adopted by an Italian-Am family around the turn of the century, but I do like the little bit of mystery!)
7. One of my favorite things to do on vacation is snorkel. I like to swim wit da fishes. What can I say? I'm from NJ and 1/4 probably Italian---maybe it's genetic ;-)?
8. I can wiggle my nose, but only up and down. I'm completely unable to do a Bewitched-style sideways twitch. Like the non-r-rolling, this is not tragic, but annoying. I console myself with my ability to make fish-lips at passing small children.
Ok, that's 8. So I guess I had more randomness than I thought! I'm going to think about people I could maybe tag and post again later. Thanks, Jenny, that was fun!
Ok here are the rules (which I am obligated, by meme law, to print first ;-):
The Rules:
Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged. (yeah, I'm not sure I know 8 other bloggers, so.....not sure what to do about that. I also *really* don't mind if other people don't want to play along. Cause it's not like I won't take any opportunity to talk about myself ;-)
Ok, so, 8 random things about me....hmmm....first of all, what's considered "random"? Things most people don't know? Things that are surprising or startling (thus fitting into that place in a conversation when someone gives you too much information and everyone sits stunned for a couple of seconds until someone mutters ..."yeah, um, that")? Or by random are we figuring that they just not themed or ordered? (sure, trust an editor to turn a simple meme into a referrendum on the word "random" ;-).
Well, I'm not sure, so I'm going with the last definition. (I wish I had startling, surprising, perhaps even disconcerting things to tell you about me. Not so much. In fact, I got nothin')
1. I don't have a favorite color. Which is not to say that I don't like a lot of colors. In fact, I frequently like a lot of colors together! I would just feel bad playing favorites.
2. I can not roll my "r"s. Which, when I was trying to learn Spanish in high school amounts to a speech impediment. I know---it hardly qualifies as the bane of my existence, but, because of my love of words and language and communication, AND because I generally think of myself as pretty well-spoken, I find this unaccountably annoying. I will never be able to discuss perros (dogs) with Antonio Banderas without sounding stupidly American.
3. I cannot bring myself to watch the movie, The Exorcist. Can't do it. I read the book when I was about 12 (which is when it first came out) and kept imagining that my bed was shaking and I was about to be possessed and scared the livin' crap out of myself. And so I've never been able to sit through the movie. Even now, I have to change the channel quickly if a commercial for it comes on TV. I don't even like seeing the occasional parody of it on Saturday Night Live. And I like horror movies! Go figure.
4. Conversely, I find zombie movies unaccountably amusing and even sometimes endearing. Even when they're not supposed to be. (Dancing zombies are a special favorite.) Again, go figure.
5. I like raw carrots much better than cooked carrots and I hate brussel sprouts in every configuration. (hey, the rules said "random")
6. One of my grandmothers was adopted, so I'm 3/4s Irish and 1/4 who knows ;-). (Actually, she was probably Italian-American, since she was adopted by an Italian-Am family around the turn of the century, but I do like the little bit of mystery!)
7. One of my favorite things to do on vacation is snorkel. I like to swim wit da fishes. What can I say? I'm from NJ and 1/4 probably Italian---maybe it's genetic ;-)?
8. I can wiggle my nose, but only up and down. I'm completely unable to do a Bewitched-style sideways twitch. Like the non-r-rolling, this is not tragic, but annoying. I console myself with my ability to make fish-lips at passing small children.
Ok, that's 8. So I guess I had more randomness than I thought! I'm going to think about people I could maybe tag and post again later. Thanks, Jenny, that was fun!
At 1:12 AM,
Anonymous said…
OK, so this weekend I'll be expecting a complete demonstration of your nose wiggle and I promise not to serve brussel sprouts while watching the Exorcist.
At 3:11 PM,
Jenny said…
So I'm not the only one who cannot roll an 'r'! I've been trying for countless years. I've been given numerous tips and lessons to no avail. It's a terribly disturbing inadequacy!
Thanks for playing along for the meme. I enjoyed reading what you wrote :)
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