fiber diva

This is the chronicle of one woman's forays into knitting, crocheting, spinning, embroidery, papercrafts, and whatever else catches my fancy at any given time. Oh, and I talk about my cats a lot, too.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

"Yes, your therapist would call this avoidance."

And then---"Repeat after me, 'I will not join any more internet kals, swaps, or websites that require me to write a novel in a month."'

So answered one of my knitting friends when I'd e-mailed that I'm now up to 6 mystery knit-a-longs (and all of them lace...), 2 swaps (a fall harvest fiber/spinning swap that I'm terribly behind on, and the Christmas around the world swap, that I'm really excited about), and now the NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). NaNoWriMo is, apparently, November, and there is a site where you sign up to write a novel---50,000 words---in the month of November.

Probably...ok, pretty much friend is right about the avoidance. (waving at Fleecy ) Now, is that a healthier coping strategy than denial or not, I wonder? What am I avoiding, you ask? Ah, sure, but if I told you then I wouldn't be avoiding it, would I?
ok, just kidding---the short answer is the ongoing saga of my niece and her ongoing challenges in coping with life. The long, neither of us has the time!
But avoidance or no, I'm enjoying the Christmas swap so far and am definitely looking forward to trying to pound out a (very bad, completely unedited, probably mostly unusable) novel in a month. It's going to be a mystery, based on a job I used to have, many, many years ago, when I was young, and stupid, and working in retail. (so yeah, it doubles as a horror story [with no offense meant to those working in retail, honestly---reeeeaaaalllly not the right job for me!]) I wanted to kill my boss. Which is saying something, because I was pretty even-tempered and non-violent even then. And I had the youth and stupidity going for me, too.
I had actually started to plan how...disposing of the body...hiding the murder weapon...faking an alibi...and that's how I knew it was time to get out of retail!
But I've been thinking, it's a shame to waste a perfectly good murder plan, and since I really quite like my current boss (working for a non-profit oncology education organization) and co-workers (and I really am pretty committed to the non-violence thing in real life), perhaps I will enjoy killing my old boss on paper ;-)
I'm kimberlynj at the nanowrimo site---in case anyone gets inspired to join me in my lunacy, stop by and say hello! and definitely, wish me luck!


  • At 2:16 PM, Blogger Jenny said…

    I do wish you luck! Writing a mystery novel seems quite an undertaking. Undertaking...ooh, I guess I'm ready for a good murder mystery ;)

    Tag! You're it! I'm tagging you for an "8 Random Things" meme. You can find the rules and my own answers on my blog. Hope you play along! Of course, just disregard this if it's not your cup of tea :)

    And thanks for your comment on mine.


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