fiber diva

This is the chronicle of one woman's forays into knitting, crocheting, spinning, embroidery, papercrafts, and whatever else catches my fancy at any given time. Oh, and I talk about my cats a lot, too.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

How do you know you have too much stress in your life?

The other night, while showering at the gym, I used body lotion to condition my hair, a fact that only became apparent when I realized that I was about to smooth hair conditioner over my legs.

Darn identically shaped little tubes! I can only be thankful that the tube of athlete's foot cream is a totally different size, or things could have gotten really ugly!

Which also makes me wonder: if going to the gym regularly is helping reduce my stress level, what would I be like if I weren't doing it?


  • At 6:56 PM, Blogger fleecyknits said…

    That reminds me of the week my grandmother died and my mother left town leaving my sister and me to deal with everything. My sister ground a hole in her tooth and had to get it crowned. Now that's stressed. :-)

  • At 4:09 PM, Blogger Kim in NJ said…

    Ahhh, that sounds painful! Yeah, I should really be thankful for little mercies!


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