asking for help getting the word out about a free cancer-information website
I'm sending out a request for everyone to visit my non-profit organization' s (National Comprehensive Cancer Network) website at Please also pass the link along to anyone who might be interested. NCCN's mission is improving care for patients with cancer, mostly by working with doctors, but now we also have a website devoted to patients, caregivers, and their families. The website includes articles on preventing cancer, getting screened, living with cancer, and helping a loved one who has cancer. We have also translated the same professional guidelines most oncologists use into patient-friendly versions (http://www.nccn. com/patient- guidelines. html). (More about NCCN: http://www.nccn. com/about- nccn.html.) We need to increase our visitor numbers by the end of November to ensure that we keep getting support for the site. All the info on is free, and no registration is required. So if you are interested in cancer---preventing , screening, because you know someone with cancer, etc---you can find a lot of good information there. I'm also happy to get comments or suggestions. You can email me (kaceditorial@ or use the "contact us" page http://www.nccn. com/contact- us.html. (I get the comments marked General or Editorial; others go to other departments here.)