spider barf and the perils of knitting lace
One of the projects that I've been working on lately (lately....obsessively....one of those ;-) has been the mystery stole knit-along. I've been working in a Skacel merino laceweight in black, from my stash. (clue 1 finished---even unblocked, I think it's nice)
I honestly can't remember why I bought black laceweight, almost cobweb weight, in the first place, since 1) black isn't my color and 2) it's hard to see in such a fine yarn.
All things considered, though, I think it's coming out nicely. (a little more detail---this isn't blocked, just stretched out a bit with my fingers)
Or it was, until I took it on a trip with me to Atlantic City. I'm afraid it didn't respond well to the sea air---or maybe I really need to avoid staying up till 2 am playing penny slots and then trying to knit the next day! Although the first several days included days of relaxed knitting, by the end, the stole spent the ride home in time out.
While responding to a joke from my sister, I managed to jerk my hand and pull the needle out of a whole 10-stitches of the stole. (If you were anywhere near NJ, you may have heard my sharp intake of breath from where ever you were at the time.)
Worse, I ended up losing 8 to 10 rows of that section before I could get anything back on the needles. Even worse---I have not been using lifelines (I don't need no stinking lifelines.....I'm an idiot!)
While responding to a joke from my sister, I managed to jerk my hand and pull the needle out of a whole 10-stitches of the stole. (If you were anywhere near NJ, you may have heard my sharp intake of breath from where ever you were at the time.)
Worse, I ended up losing 8 to 10 rows of that section before I could get anything back on the needles. Even worse---I have not been using lifelines (I don't need no stinking lifelines.....I'm an idiot!)
I can't put in lifelines after the fact (perhaps it's possible, but I can't do it), and I'm not ripping out all that work! So, I try to "fix" it. That's not too bad, right? "So the hole is a little large....so the yarn is wadded up a bit around the hole. That's not too bad," I tell myself.
So, I decide to move on, even though I can see it's not really right. "It's a long stole," I say to myself. "What's a little spider barf among friends?" I say.
Sigh....fine. It's not right. I can't leave it like that.
Sigh....fine. It's not right. I can't leave it like that.
So I decide to just ladder back on that one little 10-stitch section. I get out my little crochet hook, I circle the bad section on the chart so I can try to work out the pattern. I gently place a spare needle into the stitches that are ok, just below "the problem," and I ever so carefully work the pattern back up (complicated by the fact that I've never laddered back up in a lace pattern and have, basically, no idea what I'm doing---but I do it). And I get:
But it's better than it was, right? And I'm still not ripping out all that work. So I did a row....and I stretched it out to see how bad the "funky" section was....and I lied to myself about how noticeable it was....and then I purled back a row, and streched it out again and asked myself again, "who's going to notice that once I'm wearing it? And the rest of it is so pretty!"
Come on---Who's going to notice one little unpatterned section among all those little flowers? And the anwer is---Me! Me---It's me! I will! I'm the problem! I will notice that @*&)#&%section every single time I work on the stole, touch it, or wear it, and I'm liable to notice it in my head if I even just think about it! Sigh.....sometimes it's not easy being an*l-retentive!
So of course I ended up tinking (my black Skacel merino practically blinkin' cobweb-weight and did I mention it's *black* yarn) slowly and painstakingly (and I do mean *pain*stakingly) back (the now *12* rows) to get to where the pattern was correct. Sigh....again!
Ok, I should have just tinked back in the first place. Ok, I wasted time.
So of course I ended up tinking (my black Skacel merino practically blinkin' cobweb-weight and did I mention it's *black* yarn) slowly and painstakingly (and I do mean *pain*stakingly) back (the now *12* rows) to get to where the pattern was correct. Sigh....again!
Ok, I should have just tinked back in the first place. Ok, I wasted time.
(unblocked again, but you can see how it's coming out)
But at least I have no sections of spider barf.
But at least I have no sections of spider barf.
(Sigh) I'm not sure which of us (the stole or me) is grounded, but I'm pretty sure that one of us is!